maybe in some long-distant day, there'll be no more bug-splats. Like when you've spent what seems like an age selecting a bazillion edges & surfaces, getting them ready to carefully intersect with each other, when, BANG! the irreverent "BugSplat" messsage appears, and you find yourself having to go to the store and buy a new (and hopefully sturdier) monitor to replace the one that you've now thrown out your office window into traffic. I’ve completely removed everything including all extensions.
Sketchup make 2016 bug splat printing 32 bit#
This coupled with the fact that Sketchup is still a 32 bit program, and you get lots of crashes on start up.

Open your next scene or 80gb, and it adds the unreleased memory to the new used memory. If it does, add the extensions back one by one until you find the one that caused the crash on load. For example Open 80mb file, close only the window (don't quit Sketchup) and Sketchup holds on to some of the previously used memory. Try removing them all to see if that helps. Psychologically, the sudden (and often repeated) apperance of Sketchup's "Bugsplat" message makes one generally more furious the more important the bit is that you're working on when it happens! Next most likely cause is a misbehaving extension. I generally switch off autosave (so It doesn't freeze everything for 5 seconds every 5 mins or so just when your're concentrating on some fiddly important bit), and just remember to save after each bit is conquered.

I think he simply finds the whole "Bug Splat" thing (as of course EVERYONE must too) plain annoying.